Monday, 23 September 2013

10-year-old schoolboy gets a hug from Kate Middleton(PHOTOS)

According to the Daily Mail:
Earlier in the day as she  greeted crowds outside Newcastle’s Civic Centre she made her way along to a group of school children who had been waiting excitedly all morning for a glimpse of the Royal.

Among them was 10-year-old Terry Campbell who had vowed to get a hug from the Duchess – even maybe a kiss.
And he was far from disappointed when his moment arrived.
As the Duchess made her way along to the cheeky youngster he immediately held his arms out wide. 
The Duchess then asked him: ‘Am I going to get a cuddle as well?’
Well, what happened next is how you know this is the natural heir to Princess Diana’s throne:
Without a seconds thought she leant forward over the steel barrier and embraced the schoolboy.
Terry, wearing his school uniform under a green hoodie, went a brighter shade of red moments later and appeared almost lost for words when asked what it had been like to hug a real-life princess.
‘It was good,’ he said, still slightly stunned by his first encounter with royalty. ‘I was hoping to get a hug from her when we came here this morning.
‘I never actually thought it would happen.  I can’t believe she hugged me back.
‘She was everything I thought she would be. She was really nice.’
A school friend interrupted: ‘The one thing he really wanted though was a kiss.’
More pictures after the cut.

We hope he wakes up from that dream!
Source: Ynaija

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